We lovingly prepare all of our meals using organic or spray free ingredients. All of our food is whole food plant based, vegan, dairy free and grain free. We believe in the energy provided by chemical free food, which is not only good for our overall health and well-being but also the environment and all the creatures that we share our planet with.
Our smoothies and soups are designed to keep you satiated and yet will supply your stomach with that well-earned rest that it requires to create a healthy happy gut environment which is a platform for balance and happiness in our lives.
Everything gets a rest at Tivoli, including your digestion. This allows our bodies to use its energy to heal and restore itself. Good cleansing food allows the energy to pervade our whole body, and for us to shine with radiant health.
Tivoli Retreat is a detoxing retreat, therefore we don’t have any caffeine in the retreat. We offer a delicious housemade chai tea, to support the cleansing process and a selection of organic herbal teas for guests to enjoy.
All food is vegetarian and gluten-free where possible.